Scuba Diving for Christmas Gift! Great Winter Activities!!

Bonfire Night is over. It is now time to start thinking about Christmas! Too early you say? Nahhhh! It is already November! Time flies from now on! Struggling with Christmas Gift Ideas? How about Scuba Diving? Discover Scuba Diving (Try Dive) can be done in warm heated swimming pool, you see. It may be a good activity during the winter. Also Skill Development & Knowledge Development can be done in warm condition even in UK. Great activity idea for winter season when outside is not so pleasant for outdoor activities. For kids between the age of 8 and 10, there is a course called "Bubble Maker". They will use the same Scuba Equipment like adults but using much smaller cylinders. I tell you they all LOVE IT!! We, instructors, enjoy Bubble Maker so much as well. :D :D If you have questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We can tell you all about Scuba Diving! Diving is FUN!!! #DiveMCR #DMclubUK #divingisfun