Apeks ATX Regulator Holiday Season Special Offer - Limited number. Don't miss it!

Holiday Season is coming up! Time to look for great deals for Christmas Gifts. Here is a great offer for Cold Water divers. Apeks ATX Regulator is one of the most popular regulator in the market and also long lasting model for many years while many other models are changing. ATX gives you good breathing in cold water condition and last so long if you look after it. Great regulator at great price. This Holiday Season Offer comes with ATX Stage 3 set (1st stage, 2nd stage, and Octopus), single Pressure Gauge, and Apeks Regulator Bag . Complete set, ready to go diving. RRP£436 is now £342! The number is limited. Don't miss it! Let's go Diving!! Diving is FUN! (Even in cold water. Trust us!!) If any questions, please feel free to contact Dive Manchester. info@divemanchester.co.uk 0161 302 3140 #DiveMCR #DMclubuK #divingisfun #Apeksdiving #ukdiving