Diving with your favourite colour with Oceanic Shadow Mask. Diving is FUN!

Diving is FUN!! That is why we all love this sports. It's not competition. It's not about winning. It is all about having fun with your friends and families. When having fun, your feeling becomes very colourful and cheerful. Well...why not taking this Happy Feeling into your equipment? Let's find your favourite colour for your own equipment. Me? Oh! I'm a PINK diver. :D :D I have Black/Pink drysuits, Black/Pink mask, Pink fins, Pink Dive Computer, Pink SMB, Pink spool, Pink gloves, Pink wetboots and Pink shoe laces for my Rock Boots. You know what? This makes even other people happy! :D :D Yes! Diving is FUN! Oceanic Shadow Mask has been one of the most popular mask in the market for many many years. The colour variation was, however, not too many. It was always Black or Clear. A couple years ago, this changed completely. Oceanic finally issued colour variation for this popular mask. I really think it is one of the best option that Oceanic has offered to the divers. :D ...